If possible, live closer to where your office is located. Although at times that may seem out of reach and hard to do, it comes in handy when you have to commute every day to work. If you can’t move your whole family and all your possessions, then try and rent an apartment for a reasonable price near your office and stay there for the duration of time you work at that job.
Another option can be to work from home. Many people are starting to work remotely. The choice of working from home is a great opportunity to get work done without the stress of commuting back and forth every day of the week. If it’s not possible to work from home every day, then try it at least twice a week. You can control your hours when working out of the office and not have to worry about the commute, except from your bed to the desk in your room. This option can save you a lot of time and money spent on commuting.
Try to leave before rush hour. Getting stuck in long hours of traffic is one of the worst downfalls of a commute to and back from work. If a person doesn’t take public transportation and decides to drive to work on their own, then they need to be conscious of rush hour and heavy traffic. Get up a little earlier in the morning and leave to beat the early morning traffic. Stay a little later in the office to avoid the evening traffic, the commute will feel a lot calmer and smoother.
As mentioned before, using public transportation can save a lot of time getting to work. Either the train or the subway can get people to work at a much faster pace. The public transportation doesn’t have to worry about main road traffic and rush hour. It runs at specific times letting people know approximately where they will be at what time. However, when driving a person can never fully know their estimated time of arrival. With these four options, you’ll be getting to and from work a lot quicker in no time.